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Hogue Tamer 2 Piece Grip & Forend Kit for 870 Remington Cruiser type 08715 |
GR08715 |
Item DescriptionThis listing is for ONE Hogue Tamer pistol grip and forend combo. Here is Hogue's kinder, gentler conversion kit for 12 gauge Remington 870 shotguns, to turn them into a cruiser type firearm. It is a NO GO on smaller gauge 870s. Manfacturer is Hogue Inc., of Henderson, Nevada. Construction is hard polymer panels with overmolded black rubber that has smooth edges and stippled surface laterals. Hogue grips and stocks, the factory points out, are molded from a durable synthetic rubber that is not spongy or tacky, but gives that soft recoil-absorbing feel, without affecting accuracy. This low profile kit is smaller and lighter than its Pachmayr Vindicator Competitor. It comes in its original package with stock bolt, washer, and instruction manual. The Vindicator Kit is now discontinued, and this Hogue Tamer is the reason. Vindicators last sold for upwards of $100 per kit.
$12 Priority Lower 48; $20 Priority to AK HI or PR |
OtherNo sales outside the US. Robertson Trading Post, on Historic Front Street in Henderson Tennessee, in Elvisland, 90 miles east of Memphis and 75 miles north of Tupelo. We've been around here since 1952. |
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